Saturday, February 5, 2011


Hi again everyone!
Well one week down and something like 14 more to go? It went fast so Im think Ill be home in no time so im trying not to waste my time here being homesick. its kind of difficult on days like this though because I am just with my host family and the dad is the only one who speaks good english but he isnt home so my mom and sisters just speak malagasy and i just smile and nod. too much free time to think about i decided to try to find my way to internet to write to you guys so here i am!
Lets this week was official orientation. which kind of went something like heres madagascar walk around and find your way to school (of course i got lost). the location of the school is awesome its on the far south peninsula so theres the ocean on all 3 sides and its nice and breezy and green. we just sit on the grass and eat lunch and can walk down to the beach. the water is soooo warm! its like a hot tub. theres stray dogs that follow us around and just walk around our classroom. took a french placement test but dont know the results yet. the professors are really nice and i think Im understanding everything enough in class. so far ive had a class on the geography of madagascar and the history of fort dauphin in french. also learning malagasy which is pretty difficult. everything is backwards so instead of saying I am full you say Full I which is zoky zaho. thats the only sentence i know because its what i have to say every night so they stp feeding me! so much food!!! always rice and usually meat and this vinigar cucumbers that you would really like mom! and breakfast is always baguette with jam. my family is very nice and hospitable. my host dad grew up with canadians so he knows what the american lifestyle is kind of like so its less intense than some of the other familys i think. their house has the most amazing view of the bay and mountains! definitely would be prime real estate in the US but its intertesting cuz they dont really caree about it they care more about what they have and their house. i have running water and electricity yayyyy!!!! but there is this evil rooster and it always screams outside my window every morning and the mom starts doing dishes at 5am and my room is right next to the kitchen so everyday so far ive been up by 6. but we go to bed early between 9 and 10. my sisters are nice Ive become closest to the youngest Jennifer who is 9. we play hand games and make card castles and do the macarena. this morning i did laundry qnd everyone laughed at me. also went into the market. man the mqrket is insane. its huge and dirty and there are people everywhere! havent seen any lemurs yet. but i did see a baby chameleon yesterday and this morning i saw a turtle in our yard. oh and saw HUGE spiders and cockroaches! but none have hissed at me yet. so thats pretty much it. im just taking everything one day at a time and trying to live it up! Miss you all hope you have a good weekend! Veloma!


  1. OMG Jess - On Fbook today, I forgot your dad changed his profile pic to lemurs so when I saw the lemurs on chat I was like "Oh Lemurs! Jess is on" then I clicked on it and it said your dad's name and I was like "oh duh!" (He was "away" which is why I didn't chat.)

    xoxo - have fun!

  2. it is great that internet is available for you!! I will be following and praying for you too...
    Linda Dunnihoo

  3. Hi Jessica, We are so happy to hear that you are getting along so well. The cockroaches don't sound very inviting or the huge spiders. So how are the bug bites healing? It sounds as if you have your own room even though the rooster wants to share with you. Keep up the good attitude and learning all you can because the time will go fast and you will be back home before you know it. We check your blog daily and miss you as well but this experience you have now is a wonderful one and since you have a good family to stay with it's also a plus. Make the most of everything that comes along. We look forward to all of your stories and pictures when you get home. Our love to you, Grandma & Grandpa xoxoxoxo

  4. Hi Jessica!
    Just wanted to wish you a very Happy Birthday!

  5. happy birthday in madagascar!
    <3 robyn

  6. Salama!
    With the time change it is already your birthday.
    We wish you a happy birthday and a year filled with many blessings. We are enjoying your blogs,
    keeping you in prayer, we are so proud of you, and love you very much.
    G&G Z

  7. Salama, Happy Birthday to you sweet girl of the 20 teens. I forgot about the time change there so your birthday date has past but here it is the morning of your special day. We hope you are finding happiness and making good memories to look back on with fondness. We had lunch with Auntie Phyllis & Avery yesterday as they had a 3 hour layover before going on to see Keri. They had been at a horse shoe with Kelly in Palm Springs for a few days. Keep the blogs going as everyone is enjoying reading what you are doing. Sending you hugs and our love, G'ma & G'pa

  8. Feather! I miss you so very very much and I hope that you got to do something special for your birthday! I have been missing you so much. It is still sinking in that you are not here or coming back for a few months. I keep walking into work and checking the schedule to see when you work, but you are in Madgas. Haha, that is kind of a funny abbreviation. I really missed you last night because there is a lot going on and I would have loved to get your advice or just hear you say it is going to be okay, but I know it's going to be okay. I don't know if I am going to make it another semester. I don't know if I am going to make it another 3 months living with my family! I just don't know! But, I am so very very excited to hear from you about all your adventures. Maybe you should be a writing minor? You are very fun to read and make even the simplest thing sound interesting. I will update my blog for you soon! Lots of love feather!

    Love always,
    Your Feather Sister
